Only the user who enables this option in the Gradebook will see the affected grades.
#Gradekeeper converted and now there are no grades free#
Similarly, TAs or other instructors in the course will not see any change in their view of the gradebook. Absent uniform grading standards, pushy parents and kids feel free to give teachers grief when grades are low, even if honest, and principals may ding teachers whose tough grading leads to parent complaints and other woes, up to and including students exiting the school or dropping out. Canvas will not display zeros in the score boxes, and only the assignment groups and total columns will be adjusted to factor in all scores of zero into the overall percentages for each student.Įnabling this option has no effect outside of the gradebook students cannot see any difference in their grade pages. When enabled, the label “Ungraded as 0” displays as a heading in all assignment group columns and the total column to indicate this feature is turned on in the gradebook view.

It allows instructors to view student grades as if all ungraded assignments were scored as zero points. This is a visual view of the gradebook only and does not permanently affect any student grades. Gradekeeper is available for both Windows and Macintosh and classes created on one platform can be opened on the other.

If you feel this tool is needed in your course, please e-mail your request to Canvas Gradebook View menu now includes the “View Ungraded as 0” option. Given the potential confusion which could be caused by the use of this tool and discussion in the Canvas community, the tool has not been enabled for at this time. Shortly before the production release on February 20, 2021, that included the “View Ungraded as 0” tool, Canvas opted to provide a choice to enable this tool through an account feature option.