Surprisingly enough, the crowlike Envy who expressed wanting to steal everything the humans had, and then enslave them until they broke was only a ruse.

Cool Mask: The true Envy wears a bone mask very similar to Death's.Bird People: The fake Envy looks very much like a humanoid vulture or corvid.However, that never meant that allowing them to roam freely was a good idea, considering the sort of damage they can do if left to their own devices. This didn't stop the Charred Council from locking them up first chance they got. Despite their very existence being a source of evil in the universe, the Creator took great pains to create them anyway. This talisman proved to be her own end after Fury trapped her inside of it. Envy was so jealous of the power that the other Sins possessed that she stole a talisman designed by one of her rivals (whom she tricked Fury into believing was her) to siphon off their energy.Pride has scars surrounding her right eye which she is so ashamed of, she hides them by covering her entire face with a mask.Gluttony is defeated by swallowing underwater bombs.While Lust is usually associated with sexual desire, Lust is androgynous, eliminating any sexual aspect.Though he is initially hesitant to battle, Sloth is quick to action after the destruction of his throne.Avarice battles by throwing various things that he has horded at her, effectively destroying pieces of his own collection.While most of the Sins immediately engage in combat with Fury, Wrath has a moment of calm where he admires how beautiful Fury is.Irony: Fury's battle with each of the sins each have some form of Dramatic Irony to them.The Corrupter: They were created to spread their namesakes towards the rest of the universe and are implied to have placed that influence onto the Charred Council during their incarceration.It's also left up in the air if Fury re-purposing the Talisman of Sin as a makeshift hand grenade with all the Sins' essence trapped inside to distract the Charred Council actually permanently killed them or not with its explosive destruction. Several of them also invoke As Long as There Is Evil in their Boss Banter, implying even if their physical forms are destroyed their essence will eventually reincarnate into a new form.

As Anthropomorphic Personification of their respective sins, no talk is actually said of permanently killing them, just trapping and re-imprisoning them. Compelling Voice: Lust, Sloth and Wrath are seen to have this, which is how they are able to corrupt others.However, Envy schemes to become the sole Big Bad. Big Bad Ensemble: Collectively, the primary antagonists of Darksiders III who rule their own of the world.Envy takes advantage of this to disguise herself as a Watcher and trick Fury into killing a fake Envy with her none the wiser. A Form You Are Comfortable With: The Sins don't have a true physical form and it's implied they can actually shift their forms at will (this is most explicit with Gluttony), but Fury must destroy them in order to trap their essence in her talisman.Anthropomorphic Personification: As their names indicate, they're all physical embodiments of the Seven Deadly Sins.Look for the stone in the corner and make your way to the top again.Īfter attacking Envy in the air it will now teleport and hit the ground 3 times back-to-back, releasing a ring each time it lands. Do enough damage and she’ll break through the ground one last time. Jump towards it and attack as many times as possible.Įnvy will have the same attacks. Make your way up to it by climbing up the stone slab in the corner, jumping up to the platform above, and swinging on the metal bar. Jump over it.Īfter enough hits, a small cinematic will show Envy crashing through the ground, sending you far below it. When it appears again and hits the ground it will release a ring that will expand towards you. Envy will also raise its right arm and drop down a small explosion above where you’re standing. Patience is key.Įnvy will start by swinging its staff at you. This boss, and all combat in Darksiders 3, is all about dodging. Go left and you’ll take on the first boss, Envy.